Join the union today

how to become a member

Member Application

the Benefits of membership

The CCCFE is dedicated to faculty, staff, students and the community. As a union of educators, we know that sticking together is our best bet to ensure that we have the wages, benefits, and working conditions we need to serve our students well. We believe in the power of a quality, public college education to transform lives and lift up our local communities. We hope you will join the CCCFE and stand with us to advocate for our profession, our college, and our students. 


We stand together for faculty rights, respect in the workplace and upholding the standards for quality education at Compton College. 


The Negotiations Team will fight on your behalf for fair and competitive wages, comprehensive medical coverage and contract language that supports the rights of faculty.


You have the right to grieve when the contract has been violated. Our Grievance Officer will assist you and ensure you have due process.

Legal Provision 

If grievances cannot be resolved, legal services will be provided to you as needed.

Cost of Membership is only $100 a month for full time faculty and $50 a month for part time faculty! (Paid tenthly)